Equality & Diversity Training

Written by Martha Mitchell
11 February, 2022


All training sessions will be carried out by lawyers and enable your business to plead the statutory defence to any vicarious liability claim. In essence, moving the blame away from the business to the employee (who will also need to be properly disciplined as a result of their behaviour).

This session will be held via Zoom and will require camera’s on and will cover:

  • What is banter?
  • What is discrimination and harassment?
  • How far is too far?
  • Respecting others properly.
  • The financial implication of poor behaviour
  • Company expectations

Any training over 18 months old cannot be relied on by employers. It is stale and ineffective. All training should be reviewed every 12 months to enable employers to rely on the statutory defence to discharge their liability.

Equality & Diversity Training will take place on the last Wednesday of each month at 10am until 1pm.

Terms & Conditions: https://bit.ly/3hHr3Pz


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