Upgrade your HR Software

Frequently Asked Questions

How do bank holidays work?
Bank Holidays form part of an employee’s annual leave entitlement and are in essence pre-booked annual leave. They can cause headaches for some clients when it comes to calculating annual leave, just remember that they should be included when calculating an employee’s accrual. For part time employees remember that where a bank holiday falls on a working day and the business closes they use a day’s annual leave.
What are the exceptions for the ‘two year rule’?
There are many exceptions to the two year rule, ranging from paternity and maternity, asserting a statutory right, health and safety to jury duty.  Although not technically an exception, a big risk with dismissals under the ‘two year rule’ is that employees can still bring claims for discrimination.  It is always best to check with the team here to see if any exceptions might apply.
Flexible Working Requests - Can I refuse it?
In short yes you can, although how you refuse it depends upon how the request is made.  If the request is made informally you can simply refuse the request, if the request is made formally there are only 8 reasons you can deny a request.  Clients must ensure that when dealing with requests they are treating all employees fairly to ensure they minimise the risk of complaints relating to discrimination.
Can I monitor home workers?
This is a complex area of law but the general standard is that any monitoring must be justified and not breach an employee’s legitimate expectation to a degree of privacy. To ensure that monitoring is justified, legitimate, and balances the rights of both the employee and the employer an impact assessment is advisable.

The Health & Safety Solution

£99 +VAT PCM up to 33 employees

£3 +VAT PCM per employee thereafter

Fixed price occupational Health and Safety support for businesses with up to 2 sites in a 50m radius.

Let us help you with:

  • Visiting your workplace
  • Documentation
  • On-going risk assessment support
  • 24/7 advice
  • Guidance on working from home, pregnancies, manual handling and more


More sites, or further away? We are still happy to help!  Speak to us for more information on pricing.


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The HR Software Solution

£3.50 +VAT per employee PCM*

Designed for businesses who want to have all their HR information in one, safe place. Some of the key features include:

  • Approve and monitor holidays;
  • Record working time and calculate wages;
  • Allocate time and staff expenses to clients/projects/activities;
  • Store and access your employee data at the touch of a button;
  • Manage appraisals and motivate employees;
  • Manage from your mobile;
  • Send a text message or email to your whole team;
  • Never miss a key date again with our handy reminders;
  • Quickly access key information and gain insight from our Reports;
  • And so much more.


The HR Solution is fully customisable to suit the needs of your business with the ability to turn features on and off at no extra cost.

*With a minimum price of £20+VAT PCM

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The Training Solution

£35 +VAT per head

Each session is run quarterly, via zoom in person, they are not pre-recorded.  All sessions are up to 3 hours long.


The current training sessions are:


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