Why should you use a Health & Safety consultant?
Health and Safety is essential for workplace safety the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 placed a duty of care on employees to ensure that they protect the health and safety of their staff.
Health and safety has long been subject to ridicule, often seen as excessive or overly cautious. However, it remains a crucial aspect of any workplace. Unfortunately, due to busy work schedules and competing priorities, it can often be overlooked or not given the attention it deserves. This is where an external health and safety consultant becomes invaluable.
Why use a H&S consultant?
An external health and safety consultant provides unique advantages that enhance your compliance and risk management strategy, ultimately reducing risks to your team, your business, and you as a director, manager, or business owner.
With ever-changing health and safety laws and best practices, staying up to date can be challenging, especially when juggling day-to-day business operations.
A consultant ensures ongoing compliance with the latest Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulations, helping you avoid penalties, enforcement actions, and potential legal liabilities. Their expertise allows you to focus on running your business while ensuring a safe and legally compliant workplace.
Should a H&S consultant carry out audits & inspections?
There is a risk that internal H&S staff, although often fantastic at the role, in essence, mark their own homework which can lead them to become site blind.
External audits and inspections can be more rigorous than internal ones but are more likely to shine a light on those areas of H&S which are missed by internal staff. A consultant’s objective view can help to identify overlooked risks and introduce best practices from other businesses and industries.
Can a H&S consultant help to change culture?
Bringing an external health and safety consultant into your business helps to reset the workplace culture by demonstrating a commitment to safety and best practices. Their expert knowledge, guidance, and structured approach help instill a proactive mindset, ensuring that safety becomes an integral part of daily operations rather than an afterthought. By identifying risks, implementing effective control measures, and providing ongoing support, a consultant fosters a safer, more compliant, and more engaged workforce.
If your business has a dedicated health and safety manager, an external consultant can work alongside them to strengthen the implementation of a positive safety culture. By providing expert support, tailored guidance, and fresh perspectives, a consultant acts as a valuable extension of your internal team. They can assist with toolbox talks, help establish staff champions for key safety areas such as PPE, manual handling, or machinery use, and offer training to enhance leadership in health and safety. This collaboration empowers internal managers to drive meaningful cultural change while ensuring compliance and best practices are consistently upheld.
What knowledge do H&S consultants have?
Consultants will all have general knowledge but, as in any industry, they all have areas of interest or speciality, whether it be fire safety, hazardous substances, or high-risk work.
Any good H&S Consultant will be able to identify risks and develop controls to manage and mitigate those risks. In many cases additional support from additional specialists is required, whether it be Legionella testing, assessment of explosive atmospheres or testing specialist PPE (for example full face respiratory hoods).
Can a H&S consultant help with workplace changes?
In this fast-paced work, businesses are always changing. Whether sites are expanding, new products, services, processes or systems are being introduced, machinery or equipment is being upgraded, consultants help manage safety during transitions, reducing risks.
Is a H&S Consultant expensive?
The costs surrounding a H&S consultant can vary depending upon the services that they offer. You should bear in mind that consultants help prevent accidents, lower insurance costs, and avoid fines and criminal prosecutions which make their expertise a smart investment.
Even with a dedicated Health and Safety Manager, a consultant enhances safety, compliance, and efficiency. Their fresh perspective, specialist knowledge, and independent oversight make them a valuable asset to any business. Employment Law Solutions offer Health & Safety support and can assist with all elements of identifying, managing and mitigating risk. By offering a monthly retainer service you are able to benefit from advice and support 24/7, 365 days, all while spreading the cost over monthly payments.