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HR in Education & Nursery.

We understand that compliance with OFSTED or EYFS can make it difficult to prioritise issues. We support education providers from Early Years and day nurseries to academy groups and trusts. We make it easy for you to deal with HR Headaches without having to let other requirements slip.

We appreciate that safeguarding concerns might mean that you have to act differently than other businesses. We recognise that business requirements and regulatory restraints can impact HR decisions.

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Our solutions to recurring HR Headaches in Education & Nurseries.

Misconduct or safeguarding concerns
  • Answer on whether to suspend or not
  • Help with completing the investigation
  • Drafting invitation to disciplinary
  • Bespoke questions for disciplinary
  • Review of decision and draft outcome
Staff grievance
  • Invitation to grievance meeting
  • Help with completing the investigation
  • Assessment of issues or misunderstanding of culture
  • Review, decision and draft outcome
  • Advice on resolutions or mediation
OFSTED and EYFS follow up
  • Identifying why recommendations have been made
  • Implementing informal steps to enforce recommendations
  • Deciding on which formal procedure to follow
  • Drafting letters and guidance
  • Review of decision and draft outcome
Workplace stress and burnout
  • Assist with spotting the signs
  • Advice on observing burnout symptoms
  • Invitation to welfare meeting
  • Options of support and reengagement
  • Returning happy employees to the workplace

HR problems in Nurseries

Employing staff in the Early Years Sector comes with a raft of its own unique HR challenges that the employer needs to manage correctly. Read this post to see if we can help with your challenges.

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Why work with Employment Law Solutions?

“We’ve been working with ELS for the last four years. The main benefit to us as a company in using ELS is the confidence that it’s given us in moving forward with our employment decisions and they really do understand industry sector specifics such as our Ofsted compliance, EYFS, safeguarding, the ratios that we have to work to and they really did factor that into the employment solutions that they offered to us.

We very much consider them now part of our team having them on board has freed us up to focus on other areas of the business and we let them look after our HR issues.”

Kate, Roundabouts Day Nursery

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Read all the latest news from the Employment Law Solutions team.

General Guidance, Law Changes, News

Should I start making redundancies?

In one of the final Acts of the Conservative government, a Code of Practice on dismissal and re-engagement (the Code) more commonly known as “fire and rehire” was passed through Parliament and came into effect on 18 July 2024. This is a statutory code which must be taken into account but it is nowhere near as robust as the Labour Party would like (see our review of the 2024 manifesto here), we can therefore, expect to see further changes to the fire and rehire rules.

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